Quietto: An Interactive Timepiece Molded in Concrete and Milled Wood
May 6–May 11, 2017, Denver, CO, USA – ACM CHI 2017 Note Paper (Honorable Mention Award)
Authors: Kyung-Ryong Lee, Geon-il Goh, Young-Woo Park
Abstract: We introduce Quietto: an interactive timepiece made of molded concrete and milled wood. It shows upcoming daily schedules and the time through the quiet, ambient motions of a clock hand and light through the concrete touch interface. The results of an in-field user observation of 10 participants over 3 days showed the possibilities of using concrete as a unique and attractive material for designing a tangible interface due to its unexpected haptic feeling. We also found that Quietto provides an intuitive and effective representation of its users’ daily schedules and can be used as a private, personal device. Through its distinctive design, Quietto can provide a new way of understanding scheduling through its concrete texture and amusing interaction qualities.
Keywords: Concrete; Interactive Timepiece; Schedule; Ambient
ACM Classification: H.5.2 Information interfaces and presentation: User interfaces—Input devices and strategies, interaction styles.
Press release
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