Monomizo: A Tangible Desktop Artifact Providing Schedules from E-ink Screen to Paper
ACM DIS 2019 Paper, June 23-28 11, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA
Authors: Sangsu Jang, Subin Kim, Boram Noh, Young-Woo Park
Abstract: We introduce Monomizo, a tangible daily and monthly calendar in a concrete-casted desktop object that allows users to print out their daily schedules. Monomizo was designed to integrate the benefits of digital and paper-based scheduling by providing easy conversion of schedules in digital devices to analog media (e.g., paper). To investigate users’ schedule management experience with Monomizo, we conducted an in-field study of 10 participants over 6 days. The results showed that Monomizo helped users to review and reflect on the day via the screen and through attaching, writing, and physically possessing printed schedules. We also found value in encountering digital information through analog-metaphoric design that provides ambient permeation of schedules. Based on the findings, our study offers new possibilities for designing a tangible artifact that facilitates users’ effective planning and use of their days.
Keywords: Schedule; physicalization; tangible; dematerialization
ACM Reference format:
Jang, S., Kim, S., Noh, B., Park, Y-W. Monomizo: A Tangible Desktop Artifact Providing Schedules from E-ink Screen to Paper, In Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2019, ACM Press,