
How Do Couples Use CheekTouch over Phone Calls?

CHI 2012, May 5–May 10, 2012, Austin, Texas, USA – Note presentation

Authors: Young-Woo Park, Seok-Hyung Bae, Tek-Jin Nam

Abstract: In this paper we introduce CheekTouch, an affective audio-tactile communication technique that transmits multi-finger touch gestures applied on a sender’s mobile phone to a receiver’s cheek in real time during a call. We made a pair of CheekTouch prototypes each with a multi-touch screen and vibrotactile display to enable bidirectional touch delivery. We observed four romantic couples in their twenties using our prototype system in a lab setting over five consecutive days, and analyzed how CheekTouch affected their non-verbal and emotional communication. The results of the user study showed that CheekTouch could effectively support audio-tactile communication in various ways – persuading, conveying status, delivering information, emphasizing emotion/words, calling for attention, and being playful.

Keywords: Affective communication, on-the-cheek interaction, multifinger touch, vibrotactile feedback, remote touch, mobile phone.

ACM Classification: H.5.2. [Information Interfaces and Presentation (e.g., HCI)]: User Interfaces, Haptic I/O

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